My Macbook Pro screen went black story
This is my first writing and for someone who has never done such writings before its kinda stressing but Ive been through a lot myself so I thought it might help so here we go.
First I have to mention that I’m a software engineering student and also an iOS developer so you can already know what an essential role my laptop plays in my life. My laptop is MacBook mf840/early 2015 so I was working on a university project which was an e-commerce website using Laravel PHP so as it was my first time ever using laravel everything got mixed and messed up so I decided to reset factory my whole laptop so I can start from scratch and now that I knew what I was doing everything would be clean I also always keep my files on an external hard drive so all I had to do was resetting my laptop download Xcode and sketch and VScode and I was ready to go so that’s what I did and everything was just fine except that my macOS turned back to be sierra and I had to upgrade a week or later suddenly my screen went black I had to sound my MBP worked with an external monitor and when I flashed a light through the apple sign at the back of the screen I could see that it’s functioning and everything was alright so I panicked and tried everything I found online I even opened the back of my laptop and reconnected the cables and nothing happened so I took my laptop to Apple store and they told me they had to send my laptop to the repairing center and that wasn’t what I wanted to at all besides they weren’t able to give me an estimated cost which was kinda scary I asked my friends and they told me that it’ll cost around 1000$ if it’s not the laptop’s module issues and it’s just because of something they called fluorescent of the monitor which was a lot for me at that time so I decided to use my extended monitor for a few weeks until I can decide whether to upgrade to a new laptop or repair this one and guess what?? Suddenly it started working after a week like nothing ever happened but this was this minor problem whenever I closed my laptop It was going black again which I had to reset it and when I entered my password it was all fine again but this problem also got fixed all by itself. So I just wanted to tell you that if you ever encounter this issue don’t rush and wait a few days if your signs are like mine so you wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money and all you have to do is being patient.
Thanks for your time